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Welcome to the Making Cities Resilient community!

Our group has a wide range of members from the local and national governments, development agencies, private sectors, academia, communities, etc. We are all practitioners interested in urban and local resilience.

The UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) encourages all members to share any information to this community by sending the email to "[email protected]". The email will get into the moderation queue and will be screened by the admin team before released to the group.

Any information, publications, guidance, tools, events, trainings/workshops, etc., that could be useful for the group are highly welcome. At the same time, any self-promotion emails including sharing of CVs for job opportunities will be removed.

Please write clearly about what you want to share and include a contact information in case of inquiries. The admin team will not take any responsibility to relay messages or respond to any question on your behalf.

Let's make cities resilient!


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