GRAF Vision
To improve the analysis and evaluation of disaster risk, and to track progress and identify effective benchmarks to measure achievement of the outcome and goal of the Sendai Framework.
GRAF Objectives
- To improve understanding of complex risk and concatenating hazards and vulnerabilities in disaster environments.
- To provide decision-makers insights and access to products, tools demonstrations and scenarios at all scales (spatial and Temporal) to better understand systems impacts and consequences to prevent risk creation, and to manage and reduce existing and emerging risk.
- To support decision-makers to maximise synergies across the implementation, monitoring, follow up and review, as well as achievement of the targets and deliverables of the post-2015 agenda.
- To build, and increase trust and confidence in, multi-sectoral risk assessments in an inclusive, evidence-based, open process, building on existing processes, science and data to the greatest extent possible.
- To foster a culture of inclusive, collaborative, and proactive behaviour based on systems thinking and decision science.
- To mobilize finance and de-risk investments to enable risk-informed sustainable development.
GRAF Principles
Open- open-access, open-source, open data, open platforms, analogue and digital access.
Collaborative- co-creation, co-design,co-ownership,self-organizing, emergent learning.
Universal- at multiple scales, local-to-global and global-to-local, inclusive, self-sustaining for all users, co-designed for the long-term.
Trusted- credible, fair, accountable, reliable, with respect and integrity, user experience focus, an experimental space for innovation and iterative development.
Practical- reusable, reproducible, scalable, maximising impact of resources(with due consideration given to other national and international frameworks).
Transparent- explain all assumptions, "glass box", highlighting the unknown unknowns.
Living with uncertainty- evolutionary and transformative, representing uncertainty in complex systems contexts.