We value the following:

*Diverse Membership: encourage membership from different sectors and disciplines.

*Knowledge management: identify, collate, and distribute new knowledge on CCRR and SS, including experience and research.

*Capacity Development and Learning: develop and share capacity development opportunities for members and other stakeholders

*Innovation: support the dissemination of new ideas and resources.

*Collective impact: strengthen our common agenda and develop and endorse shared measures and standards, to encourage mutually reinforcing activities, and to maintain regular communications to build trust, and to work more collaboratively to the same ends.

We operationalise these values with the following rules:

*Members are willing to share challenges, and lessons learned as well as successes.

*Members strive to create an environment of trust and to foster insightful, non-threatening discussion of ideas and experiences *Membership and topics reflect the objective of the CoP.

*Members agree to be respectful and to listen and respond to each other with open and constructive minds.

*Members will not be afraid to respectfully challenge one another by asking questions, but refrain from personal attacks -- focus on ideas.

*Members are encouraged to participate -- community growth depends on the inclusion of every individual voice.

*Just listening is OK too – we respect that people have different styles of membership.

*Members commit to seek opportunities for consensus, compromise and creative solutions.

*Members will contribute to an atmosphere of problem solving rather than rigid position-taking.

*Members will attempt to build on each other's strengths and help support and broaden each other’s understanding.